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(044) 48687003


Tax & Regulatory

Tax & Regulatory - Corporate Tax

  • The taxation service provides solution to manage tax obligations responsibly and proactively.
  • Cross Border Taxation:
    - Advise multinational companies on the pricing strategy and draft transfer pricing policy to mitigate risks
    - Transfer Pricing compliance services
    - Defend transfer pricing issues before tax authorities [TPO / DRP / CIT(A)]
    - Advise on tax issues pertaining to inbound and outbound investments / transactions
  • Compliance
    - Preparation and filing of income-tax returns
    - Defend the taxpayer before tax authorities [AO / DRP / CIT(A)]
  • Tax compliance and advisory services with respect to withholding taxes
  • Tax certification services

Tax & Regulatory - Indirect Tax

  • Compliance
    - Preparation and filing of GST returns
    - Defend the assesse before tax authorities
    - Defend the assessee before Advance Authority Ruling committee
  • GST Audit
  • GST advisory services
  • GST certification services